Web marketing trends 2019: 6 tips to improve your digital marketing

Web marketing trends

2019 is about to end and it is time to find out what awaits us in the near future regarding the 2019 trends in the digital world , from web marketing to social media.

Foreword: we will not propose futuristic stuff or technological evolutions exclusively within the reach of large companies with monstrous budgets, or important trends, but not very usable on the direct marketing side. In this article, then, forget things like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Blockchain, etc … What we suggest are trends and marketing tips that you can put into practice concretely, even if you have an SME with limited investment capacity.

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Why make a site with WordPress?


Unfortunately, creating a site is never a simple thing to do. As you probably already know, to make a site is not enough, unfortunately, design it to PC. It is not enough to draw it in pencil or lay it out as you usually do with a sheet of notes: it is necessary to write code.

It therefore leads to losing hours, days or even months on those damn lines, trying to make the style work, the inscriptions, the graphic elements, the animations and other frustrating aspects of the programming. Creating something from scratch is never the easiest solution. Although it is probably the most personal and customizable choice, it remains in any case a truly ambitious project that requires the particular technical skills to do it, not to mention the weather.

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How To Use VPN Services In Browsers

VPN Services

The use of virtual private networks (the Virtual the Network of Private, the VPN) to navigate through the internet is becoming more and more popular with each passing day. VPN technology helps protect personal information, allows you to bypass the restrictions applied in some countries, opening access to blocked sites, and protects against viruses and malware. Today, several operators offer VPN services, most of the services are paid, and many of the operators accept cryptocurrency as payment. Free services can often be used for a short period of time (demo version).

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