Six red flags on a surveyor’s report

Buying a property is a huge investment and so before parting with any money, you need to check its structural condition to preempt costly repair work further down the line. A home buyers report or survey is recommended before you buy a property. What is a home buyers survey? You can choose to have a … Read more

What is independent legal advice?

This advice is required if you enter into certain legal agreements where you assume a risk or liability. It is usually a requirement from a lender. The advice has to be impartial and given by an independent solicitor without any conflict or duty of interest. The advice must be given in your best interests, so … Read more

Why opening past legal investigations must be handled with care

London Fire Brigade hit the headlines in recent times when a retrospective investigation found it to be ‘institutionally misogynist and racist’. Many people have applauded the LFB for investigating past claims of toxic behaviour, but experts are warning other businesses and organisations of some potential pitfalls of similar decisions. Organisations should be aware of the … Read more