Autonomy, power, style or size? LG has an X phone for every need


Very curious the road leading LG with their phones X, a series of devices that are not intended to be the perfect solution for all rather have a demure specifications in some detail that makes them special. It may be the camera, the screen, even the battery.

The Korean company has four new members to the X family, responding to quite descriptive names of their abilities: X power, mach X, X and X max style. Some of its features overlap with high – end phones, those who belong to the families G and V.

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The tragedy of LG, be brave and original does not serve apparently nothing


These days have been published the financial results for the first quarter of the year for various companies that are strongly committed to the field of mobility. Apple has stuck a good smack – the first in 13 long years while Samsung news is much better. Something similar happens with Sony – the Nipponese do not raise head – and also with Lenovo and Xiaomi, they lose relevance for Oppo and Vivo.

The sector of smartphones has no pity: many try to conquer, but few succeed. This is a small tribute to a company that has spent years trying to make things right, but above all about doing things differently. LG is the company again and again differs from the rest, but that does not seem to be enough, and that, dear readers, is a tragedy.

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