How crucial is social media marketing?

A strong social media marketing strategy is vital for any business. This entails not only establishing a presence on social platforms but also creating compelling content that encourages people to follow and engage with the business. Moreover social media serves as an avenue for building brand awareness, which can result in increased sales and attracting customers.

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Facebook knows what you visit and use it to show … even without advertising account?


“Bringing people better ads.” So Facebook has titled his article that explains a major change in their Facebook Audience Network. So far, and through this initiative, the network enabled applications and websites display targeted advertising to each Facebook user according to their interests and other information they had about him. From today, apps and pages can serve personalized ads to non – Facebook users.

Wait, wait … Announcements nonusers? How does the social network that information if these people are precisely nonusers? About this does not delve into the statement, although in a later interview with the Wall Street Journal. Do you see the button “like” that appears on almost every page of the Internet? Or the typical “widgets” that show the followers of a page? They serve to “follow” wherever you go , even if you do not have it.

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5 essential tools for the social media marketing team

social media marketing

Those who work in the world of social media marketing know that tools are indispensable for achieving good results. There are some tools that serve to speed up a series of operations that would be difficult (perhaps impossible) to carry out in minimum time. Others, on the other hand, make an important contribution to group work. Today I want to focus on this point.

Which are the best social media marketing tools to work in teams and simplify all the operations necessary for those who have to move in a group but in a simple and precise way?

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How to know and analyze your followers in social networks? 3 Guidelines

followers in social network

Do you know how much information you could have from your followers if you knew their behavior on social networks? Do you want to have guidelines to know why they act as they act and how that can affect the way you publish content and approach them?

Social networks are not only a means of communication for companies, but they are also a means of expression for many users. And that gives you a competitive advantage, because they allow you to actively listen and understand what they want.

Below I will explain in 3 steps how you can approach an interpretation of the behavior of users in social networks depending on the types of content they publish, their activity or the devices they use.

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Mobile advertising now accounts for 82% of revenue for Facebook


These last days have been full of activity on Wall Street due to the financial results of most companies in the world, where we have seen cases of Google, Microsoft and Apple, who have presented numbers below expectations, which it has caused nervousness among investors and a general fall in stocks.

But this scenario is not the same for Facebook, because the company Zuckerberg is outstripping forecasts reporting revenues of 5.380 billion dollars, which represents an increase of 52% over the same quarter last year, in addition to the base monthly active users increased by 15%, which makes the company one of the most profitable and best monetization profile in the market.

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How to make the most of Google+ for your business


When a company faces in the sea magnum of social networks may think it is necessary to be present in most social platforms, but especially in the early stage may prove useful to focus their energies on one channel. Google Plus is a viable intermediate solution among the most famous Facebook and Twitterfor those companies wishing to start a social campaign. This is the social platform of the largest and most popular search engine in the world and boasts more than 300 million active users.

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Social media analysis: How to monitor your social strategy?

Social media analysis

Today, social networks are key channels for the growth of a business, but their potential is often neglected by entrepreneurs who decide to entrust the management to grandchildren or children who “are always attached to the phone and know how to use these things.”

But the strategy on social networks is not just funny picture or copy-paste link: serves to plan, monitor and make ad hoc campaigns. At stake is the credibility and reputation of the company, which is the image that the brand is able to play the popular imagination. So improvisation is banned, even when you share a post of real-time marketing.

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