Choosing a browser in 2019: The time of the battle for privacy!

It seems that in the coming years we are waiting for a new stage of browser wars – the battle for user privacy. Now users are more and more thinking about the protection of their personal data and security while surfing the net. In the latest version of Firefox, the Enhanced Tracking Protection option is enabled by default, and Apple continues to embed privacy-oriented features in its Safari browser.

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Is Google Chrome slow? 5 practical tips to speed up the browser

Google Chrome

Chrome is a great web browser, but it can slow down your PC or laptop. Here are some tips to make it snappy.

Looking for quick and easy solutions to speed up Google Chrome? You are on the right page! Chrome has been around for a long time and is by far the most popular web browser and downloaded from the Net. The reason is quick: compatible with any operating system and, if you access your Google account, you can take advantage of many and useful services just a click away.

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Opera includes a free VPN in your browser

Opera VPN

The segment browsers is somewhat less moved a few years ago, but there is still moving forward with interesting concepts and one of the last to give a twist to these applications has been Opera. The developer version of the browser Opera integrates a free unlimited VPN, which is a useful solution for lovers and privacy advocates … and blocked by region, course content.

Many services are trying to offer a VPN to access those same advantages, but here we must tread eye. In the past we talked about the problems that can generate free use VPNs so have to watch closely Opera. For now the truth is that this capability works swimmingly: these are our impressions.

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