Chrome for mobile: 21 tricks to get the most out of browsing on your smartphone

Today we bring you a collection with 21 tricks for the mobile version of Chrome. On the desktop we have more or less managed to learn the tricks of Chrome based on using it for years. But some of us tend to explore their mobile version a lot less, limiting ourselves to the basics, so it’s never a bad thing to have some trick to know how to squeeze it a bit more.

As we usually do in this kind of articles, we will try to cover several types of profiles with these tricks, which will go from some relatively basic functions to other experimental configurations. The text is mainly focused on the Android version because it is the dominant mobile operating system, so it is also possible that one of these tricks is not as well adapted for iOS.

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How To Speed Up Google Chrome Browser

Speed Up Google Chrome

If you, like many other people in the world, use your PC especially to surf the Internet then it is very likely that your browser is your favorite application. And most likely, your browser is Google Chrome, which is the most used browser in the world. Sometimes, however, browsers do not offer a satisfying user experience as you would like and, in particular, seem to be slower than usual. This is true both for Chrome and for any other program you use to browse: sooner or later the browser slows down and it always takes longer to download the pages and view them.

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Is Google Chrome slow? 5 practical tips to speed up the browser

Google Chrome

Chrome is a great web browser, but it can slow down your PC or laptop. Here are some tips to make it snappy.

Looking for quick and easy solutions to speed up Google Chrome? You are on the right page! Chrome has been around for a long time and is by far the most popular web browser and downloaded from the Net. The reason is quick: compatible with any operating system and, if you access your Google account, you can take advantage of many and useful services just a click away.

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