Facebook knows what you visit and use it to show … even without advertising account?


“Bringing people better ads.” So Facebook has titled his article that explains a major change in their Facebook Audience Network. So far, and through this initiative, the network enabled applications and websites display targeted advertising to each Facebook user according to their interests and other information they had about him. From today, apps and pages can serve personalized ads to non – Facebook users.

Wait, wait … Announcements nonusers? How does the social network that information if these people are precisely nonusers? About this does not delve into the statement, although in a later interview with the Wall Street Journal. Do you see the button “like” that appears on almost every page of the Internet? Or the typical “widgets” that show the followers of a page? They serve to “follow” wherever you go , even if you do not have it.

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Transparent algorithms: Why Google and Facebook not release their algorithms as Open Source?

Transparent algorithms

The algorithms involve us, but they do not know what they actually do. Google presents search results in a certain order and orders Facebook news and updates on our timeline according to certain criteria, but these recipes are secret and are jealously guarded by those who use them.

Should companies explain in detail what those algorithms? Some argue this option and make the analogy with the free software, a philosophy in which the code is published, shared, edited and redistributed freely. The debate on the transparency of the algorithms is more fashionable than ever.

Facebook in the spotlight

The Trending Facebook feature is a good example of such algorithms. Although it is assumed that who you really are that algorithm power users and how they use the social network, the operation of this program is totally unknown.

Facebook algorithm has a limitation: it is created, managed and fed by humans. Are we or rather Facebook- employees who decide what data is valid, what is done with them, and what response you get from them. An algorithm behaves better or worse shape is not just the fault of Facebook, but our, users, we feed this algorithm with our activity and our comments.

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Mobile advertising now accounts for 82% of revenue for Facebook


These last days have been full of activity on Wall Street due to the financial results of most companies in the world, where we have seen cases of Google, Microsoft and Apple, who have presented numbers below expectations, which it has caused nervousness among investors and a general fall in stocks.

But this scenario is not the same for Facebook, because the company Zuckerberg is outstripping forecasts reporting revenues of 5.380 billion dollars, which represents an increase of 52% over the same quarter last year, in addition to the base monthly active users increased by 15%, which makes the company one of the most profitable and best monetization profile in the market.

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