Our memory is not infallible, and may on occasion you have found with the need to remember the password for a WiFi network to which you connect to another computer soles. It’s not the end of the world if you have not signed up passwords, since computers store all passwords that you use.
You just have to know where and how to look, and so today we’ll have seven ways with which to retrieve the keys of WiFi networks that you soles connect to your computer with Windows, Mac OS X and GNU / Linux. We also say some basic trick and even an application to expedite the process.

First of all, look at the router
It may seem obvious, but as always is for all cannot begin without remembering. Before you get to tinker with anything look your router. If you have not changed your default password in the back of the router is usually a sticker with the network name or SSID and password.
Well, if you change the password whenever you can leave the new annotated also on the back of the router to whenever you need her. You know, prevent can avoid headaches in the future, and it may seem rudimentary works, at least in terms of domestic WiFi is concerned.
WiFi password you’re using
If you are connected with any Windows laptop with the WiFi, the operating system will automatically remember the password. Therefore, if you need it for any other device you can always turn to him. All you have to do is right click on the small icon WiFi to the right of the task bar and choose Open Network and Sharing Center resources.
Once in the window that opens, you see the section View your active networks is divided into two columns. On the right there is an option called Connections, which appear in blue your WiFi. Well, click here to enter the menu State WiFi, where you just have to click on wireless properties so that you open a third window. In it, the security key appears, though covered, and under the option for you the show.
The key to other WiFi used in Windows 7
But if you want to access the passwords of all WiFi networks that you’ve been connected, Windows can do fairly easily, although the method varies depending on the version of the operating system. If you’re using Windows 7 just back to Center Network and Sharing as before, and once there look in the left pane option Manage wireless networks.
Will appear a list with all the networks to which you have connected, and you can double click on the one you want. In doing so you will come to the same window as in the previous step, and with the same button and the password is discovered.
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Other WiFi networks used in Windows 8 and 10
This simple process is quite complicated in Windows 8 and 10, because in them the option to manage wireless networks does not exist and have to pull command line. But do not panic because it’s easy, just open the application Command Prompt and type the command netsh wlan show profiles.
As you see in the above list, a list will appear with all profiles of WiFi networks stored on your computer. Now you can type the command netsh wlan show profile name = profilename key = clear replacing profile name by the name of the WiFi and will show a list of data among which includes the password.
WirelessKeyView, a quick and simple solution
Does it seem too complicated you have to navigate windows and menus in Windows 7 or meter terminal codes in Windows 8 or 10? Well then you have a faster and more universal solution called WirelessKeyView of NirSoft. It is an application that you can download and run, and it will automatically display the list of WiFi networks and passwords stored.
Find your WiFi password in Mac OS X
The operating system Mac OS X of Apple also saved passwords for WiFi networks to which you connect. To access them just press Command + Space to open the browser and go from there to Access Key will appear a list with all the keys that have been stored.
Then you just have to locate the name of the WiFi network in the list, click on it and give the information button that appears with a i at the bottom of the window. In the window that will access you can ask to be shown the password, for which you have to enter your username and password system.
Find your WiFi password in GNU / Linux
As GNU / Linux have different desktop environments and configurations, there are some options that may appear in some distress and not others. But usually, to access the WiFi password you’re using just log in Preferences System and click on the Network option.
In the tab Wireless your WiFi will appear, and just give you the options menu so that you open the window where you will see the password. In some distributions, which is the use and belonging capture, also you see an option called History with which you will access the passwords of all the WiFi networks you’ve been using. Visit http://madblogz.com/ for more tech news and reviews.