Six Tips to Keep Your Ears Healthy

Keeping your ears healthy will help reduce the risk of infection, hearing damage and worsening effects of wax build-up. Check out these six keys ways to keep your ears in tip-top condition.

Keep Ears Dry

Make sure your ears are dry after showering and swimming, which can help protect them from infections. You can do this by tilting your head to each side to encourage any excess water to drain out of your ear.

Protect Ears from Loud Noises

Exposure to loud noises is a leading cause of hearing loss. Protect your ears from very loud noises, such as construction site sounds, with noise-cancelling headphones. You should also protect your children’s ears at concerts.

Don’t Use Cotton Buds

One of the best ways to look after your ears is to avoid cotton buds, especially in the middle or inner ear. Using cotton buds can push wax further into the ear and can cause blockages, which can lead to infections, temporary hearing loss and even imbalance.

Gently Clean Outer Ear

To keep your outer ear clean and sparkling, simply give it a gentle wash when you are in the shower or wipe it with a damp soft cloth.

Use Ear Drops

If you find you have a build-up of wax which is causing discomfort, pain or hearing or imbalance issues, then you need to try to dislodge the blockage. Ear drops and natural remedies such as olive oil are a great way to tackle this and will usually get the wax out in a few days.

Visit Professionals

If ear drops or natural remedies do not remove a blockage or compacted wax, you need to visit a specialist. If you’re looking for ear wax removal Bristol, get in touch with specialists such as, who will use safe procedures to clear any blockages.

These six simple steps will keep your ears healthy, which will reduce the chances of infection and hearing damage. Dealing with blockages and build-ups safely will also reduce the risk of making it worse.

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