After the launch of Windows XP in Microsoft began tinkering with a project called Longhorn. Which theoretically would be a minor update to its operating system it became a particularly ambitious development.
In fact it was so ambitious ever came to see the light (at least not in final version): Microsoft had to abandon many of the innovative ideas that sought to carry out this operating system and turned it into a version that would end up being one of the most criticized and hated of Microsoft: Windows Vista. Now a user makes us rediscover that lost project.

Better inside, better outside
In ‘Experiencing Longhorn’ this developer has rescued a lot of information that allows us to know much more about all the choices that Longhorn could have become one of the operating systems most important in history.
Longhorn ended up being a victim of its own ambition and futurities, which as explained in Wikipedia is this obsession with adding improvements and new options that end up becoming a product well focused into chaos by excessive complication.
The project began as a sort of ‘fork’ of Windows Server 2003, and not Windows XP, curios – and its road map were features such as file system WinFS or the so – called Next-Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB more known by its nickname, Palladium).
Operating system that not only had the objective of integrating fundamental improvements internally, but was also radically different visually compared to what was seen in Windows XP.
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Longhorn installed on your computer
While some of these options did make Windows Vista, that unfortunate version would be defunct. Fortunately later go on Windows 7, which for many remains the best operating system Microsoft’s history … and that certainly more market share continues.
In this blog you will not only find information about Longhorn, but also various compilations (Builds) that will allow you to install the operating system and as such was being developed.
These compilations are available for native installations and also for virtual machines , and are a good way to understand the magnitude of a project that ended up being partially abandoned but whose achievements were eventually inherited in part by some of the later versions of Microsoft Windows.