The new optical storage IBM claims to be up to 50 times faster than SSD

Optical storage IBM

Within this relentless quest to find the next big breakthrough in storage, there have been important projects that seek precisely to have a new method for storing data that is fast, affordable, efficient, high-capacity, out of which emerged developments such as the quartz discs, the synthetic DNA of Microsoft, and memory 3D Xpoint Intel.

Today it has announced a major new development that would put us to a new way of encoding data in memory phase change, also known as PRAM or simply PCM, allowing us to have a type of non – volatile memory cycles life live longer and also much faster than Flash memory.

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Facebook knows what you visit and use it to show … even without advertising account?


“Bringing people better ads.” So Facebook has titled his article that explains a major change in their Facebook Audience Network. So far, and through this initiative, the network enabled applications and websites display targeted advertising to each Facebook user according to their interests and other information they had about him. From today, apps and pages can serve personalized ads to non – Facebook users.

Wait, wait … Announcements nonusers? How does the social network that information if these people are precisely nonusers? About this does not delve into the statement, although in a later interview with the Wall Street Journal. Do you see the button “like” that appears on almost every page of the Internet? Or the typical “widgets” that show the followers of a page? They serve to “follow” wherever you go , even if you do not have it.

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ASUS Zenfone 3 Deluxe and Ultra: The renewal of the Zenfone 2 comes with a trio of phones

ASUS Zenfone 3

Besides the new ASUS ZenBook in March, the Taiwanese company has used Computex to unveil the successor of Zenfone 2. Yes, successors, in plural, because we will have a base model (the Zenfone 3 to dry), a model with specifications more powerful (Zenfone 3 Deluxe ) and one with the giant screen (Zenfone 3 Ultra).

ASUS Zenfone 3 at the mid-range

The most affordable of the new models will be the ASUS Zenfone 3 than what first draws attention is its design. ASUS moves over the plastic to bet on the Gorilla Glass glass both on the back and the front of the phone. Around them, a metal frame will handle them together and cover the sides of the terminal. The company also claims to have reduced frames, with 77%, front of the phone being occupied by the screen.

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The most powerful Core i7 Intel has 10 cores and costs $1723

Core i7 Intel

Intel also often featured in Computex and this year wants to be with their new processors ‘Extreme Edition’. Among them we find what we can consider as the flagship of the short list, the Intel Core i7-6950X. What makes it special? For many things, but mainly the presence of ten cores on your CPU.

In the world of desktop computers the race for the cycle rate stood aside to make way for the cores, and although in 2011 and offered Xeon processors with the number of cores, we have not seen in the domestic supply so far. The economic leap is also striking, because for it we will ask $1723.

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