In a completely silent Google today publishes the Chrome Web Store, as reported by Engadget a new extension that is called “Save to Google.” What is it? You know Pocket, the service “Read it Later” that allows you to save desktop side and mobile any information that you do not want to lose, and you have not the time to check out immediately?

Here, Save To Google does exactly the same thing except that everything revolves around Chrome (desktop version) and your Google Account. Once the extension is installed it appears in the form of a small yellow star; to take advantage of its function just then visit a Web page that you want to save and press the icon. At this point, the extension allows you to quickly review the page title saved and, if desired, categorize it by the presence of tags – maybe you love food and you have a “kitchen” tag through which quickly reach all the recipes you find online.
Currently, however, it must consider that the extension’s utility is limited solely to the use of Google Chrome on the desktop. The mobile application it does not present a menu through which to access their list of saved pages, just as it is not even present a mobile application that allows taking advantage of this feature. Actually the thing out of place a lot, especially considering the fact that in this way Google interrupts the linearity of use of desktop and mobile version of its browser rewarding earlier than the second – perhaps Big G forgets that now mobile is the future of the Web or maybe feel your breath on my neck by Facebook following the release developers of the new “Save to Facebook” all F8 of these days?