First and foremost, obsessive secrecy was to work for the original iPhone

Original iPhone

How was work on the original iPhone? That is precisely what one of the engineers of Apple who took part in the so-called ‘Project Purple’, an ultra-secret project in which it was only possible to work if one accepted not only endless days, but also an environment in which the Secrecy was absolute.

So much so that as detailed this engineer, named Terry Lambert, had to sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA) not to ensure that he was not going to tell anything about that project: he signed it to know the name of the key project. That was only the first measures of security obsessional who managed to protect that secret until the end.

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The worst fiscal year Apple iPhone sales fall for third consecutive quarter

Apple iPhone sales

Apple is releasing the financial results for its fourth fiscal quarter, keeping the line of analyst forecasts where the iPhone still does not rebound and presents its third consecutive fall , leading to the company present a decrease in income compared to the previous year presented.

In total, Apple is showing revenues of 46,852 million dollars, representing a decline of 9% over the same period last year, thus maintaining the trend we saw a year ago when apparently the company reached the ceiling of its growth and that in the previous two quarters has been reflected with declines in almost all products.

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iPhone revenues fall 23%, the worst quarter in the history of Apple device


2016 being a difficult year for Apple, the slowdown in your business is sticking significantly, which is maximized when more than half of their profits depend on a single product, the iPhone, which for this new quarter has fallen again Apple dragging the second consecutive quarter in its history.

Apple is presenting the financial results for the third fiscal quarter ended in late June, which show revenues of 42.358 million dollars, a fall of 15% over the same period last year, all derived from a considerable drop in sales in virtually all its products.

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