What is Magic Leap? We have new tracks of the mysterious project of mixed reality

In October 2015 was a year of the emergence of the name Magic Leap, an unknown startup hoarded holders to receive the support of large technology companies, of which stand Qualcomm, the production company Legendary Entertainment and Google, the latter being the current owner of the project. All this would sound somewhat normal, if not because Magic Leap has been limited to show a few videos of their possibilities with augmented reality, but has never been given to know a single device.

Magic Leap has raised more than 1,400 million dollars, and from the beginning was challenged on the grounds that everything shown could be part of an assembly, because everything looked spectacular, something never seen before. But then he came Microsoft with its HoloLens and perception changed, which presented Magic Leap was possible, however Microsoft device was real, while there was still nothing clear about the mysterious startup, until today.

Magic Leap
Image Source: Google Image

They are glasses, photonic chips are light field

Today Wired has devoted extensive and comprehensive report to Magic Leap, where details of the mystery are revealed for the first time questioned the project, and to recover important points that bring us closer to the experience that will provide the company that now belongs to the new division Virtual reality Alphablet (Google).

In the words of the founder of Magic Leap, Rony Abovitz, it is an optical system that creates the illusion of depth, so that our eyes will be able to focus on distant and near objects, making them mixed in our brain to so we can identify appropriate distances according to projected information.

This could confuse and look very similar to that offered by Microsoft, but even Abovitz says that HoloLens are far behind what they have been able to develop because Magic Leap is based on images that are projected onto a semi -transparent glass chip with coatings nanoscale, which allows the image to appreciate well even at the edges, something that could not solve Microsoft in its first version of augmented reality glasses.

So are glasses or not? According Abovitz not, it is a whole system that involves many factors and the heart of everything is based on the famous chip, but declined to give further details or explanations, so it is still unknown whether we need a super computer, an app Mobile, if there will be specific applications, even know it’s all will be through proprietary software or based on other developments, i.e. Magic Leap brings a new type of technology, but still a lot to learn.

Let us welcome the Mixed Reality

The report was conducted by Kevin Kelly, a renowned technology journalist who had the opportunity to visit the headquarters of Magic Leap where he could test this technology, that in his experience the system works great, the real elements are seen through glass but virtual elements projecting from a light source at the edge of the glass. That’s the explanation, but the company gave no further details of its operation.

You may also like to read another article on iMindsoft: What is Magic Leap? We have new tracks of the mysterious project of mixed reality

This experience has been named as “Mixed Reality”, since according Magic Leap takes the best of virtual and augmented reality and blends naturally with the reality we witness all, which makes you feel “natural” change use the system and leave, an effortless transition.

All this may sound wonderful and have a dose of fiction, however there are still many unanswered questions, the report brings us just a little closer to this technology, but we still do not know specifications that need to operate, if there Developers Kit, we now know that is based on a chip, but how can we be sure that there is a marketing move, where even the concept of “mixed reality” sounds like that. No, there is nothing to assure us.

Meanwhile we can only wait and be aware of when you choose Magic Leap to launch its device and give all the details, time remains uncertain.

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