Samsung raises ‘gaming’ market with own brand: Odyssey debuts with two laptops

There is no one who wants to stay out of the business of gaming, especially powerful in regard to laptops, and there also wants to be Samsung with a brand of its own. In this CES 2017 we are getting tired of seeing models and brands offering similar products, something that we started to live in the past IFA.

Be it brand or family, what we should know is that the new line of notebooks designed to play is going to be called Odyssey , which is quite a declaration of intentions in Samsung since until very recently it has been rumored that they wanted to get rid of the division Of computers. In fact you are already moving parts in other markets that have to do with the game, such as monitors.

Backlighting and striking designs for the premiere of Odyssey, brands do not see a discreet appearance for their gaming equipment

Samsung Odyssey
Image Source: Google Image

The Odyssey family will debut in the market with two laptops, one 15.6 inches, one larger that stretches up to 17.3 inches. The first will be a reality next month, for the top model will have to wait until April.

The gaming computer market is not characterized by being particularly discreet, all the established brands and their star models are an entire fair – Acer Predator, ASUS ROG, Alienware, Legion – so do not expect a specially different design in the proposal From Samsung.

Nvidia GTX 1050 inside

To the GTX 1050 we are going to get tired of seeing it, it will be interesting to see how the first real tests are, with demanding games

We talked a few hours ago, this graphics card we will see on many laptops, both the normal version of GTX 1050 and the enhanced Ti. For the premiere of the Samsung Odyssey has introduced it in the 15-inch laptop, and we still do not know what it has chosen for the big, but it has all the look that is the same choice.

Taking a look at the general specifications we find teams with great potential, but clearly are not devices that will break the market with its features. It seems that they want to control the final price with decent components, but they do not want to go much further, for that there are already completely specialized brands.

A detail that invites us to think that both laptops use the same graphics is that their screens, regardless of size, have the same resolution: Full HD. A figure that seems ideal for the GTX 1050, which we can not ask for much more.

You may also like to read another article on iMindSoft: If you are looking for a laptop to play that is not dead, check out the Gigabyte Aero 14 with Nvidia GTX 1060

The differences in the two Odyssey

Intel Kaby Lake for the two teams and Thunderbolt 3 option on the largest laptop

Yes, we find it interesting to see that they directly go to use the seventh generation of Intel processors, being able to place even a Core i7 quad-core.

They are also very well serviced RAM, with up to 64GB in the case of the large laptop, and 32GB in the 15-inch. As for SSD drives, as 256GB for the small and up to 512GB on the big. We’ll see what the settings are when they hit the market.

Samsung Odyssey
Image Source: Google Image

Obviously, it is the screen size that conditions the rest of the features. To begin with, we find that the large model has a 93Wh battery, while the small one has only 43Wh.

The other logical thing is the weight, while one reaches 3.79 kilos, the other is in a more manageable 2.53 kilos. When choosing them, the large model will only be available in black, however with the small you can also opt for a white color.

The thing is pretty good in terms of connectivity, there is no USB 3.0, HDMI, or Ethernet, but the most interesting thing is that the 17.3-inch model also has a USB-C port on which there is Thundebolt support 3 .

An aesthetic change to highlight is that the large notebook has RGB backlighting, while the 15-inch is content with the color red. Apparently there is a lot of plastic and want to show us the logo created to accompany Odyssey. Stresses – I do not know whether or not – illumination they have placed around the trackpad.

Samsung Odyssey, how much?

Unfortunately we are not in a position to tell you when they are on the market, or whether they will be available on the old continent, but we do know that the price of the smallest will be $1200. We seem pretty high considering that Dell is going to put on the market a similar Inspiron for $800. Want more reviews like this stuff, visit

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