Retail businesses can use these marketing ideas

Looking for new ways to boost your retail business? These tried and tested marketing ideas are ideal for retail businesses, whether you operate online, from a physical store or perhaps even blend the two.
Get Social

Retail businesses that don’t use social media are seriously missing a trick. If anything, retailers have the most to gain, especially from visual platforms like Instagram. Unlike companies that sell a service, you have actual, real-life, visible products that you can showcase online. Even physical retail stores can benefit from having social media and marketing strategy consultants, such as, who know exactly how to help you improve your online presence.

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Referral Strategy

A referral strategy is one of the oldest tricks in the book, yet it’s still massively overlooked by retailers. You can offer discounts for referrals, and apply those discounts to both the new customer and the existing one. Why not offer that discount for a limited time and apply it to a line you are looking to discount anyway?

Gift Cards

It’s unusual to find a retail company that does not offer gift cards, and there’s a good reason for that. Gift cards have come a long way since they were invented in the 1990s. They can cost you next to nothing to set up, especially if you use digital codes. When recipients come to spend their gift card, this often results in additional sales, above and beyond the value of the gift card.

Being an Expert

Use your knowledge and expertise to engage existing and potential customers. Don’t just be somewhere people come to buy things, but try being somewhere they come for related knowledge and assistance. If you sell cleaning products, you can provide cleaning advice. If you sell cosmetics, you can provide makeup tips and guides. You can impart knowledge online, in the form of blogs or videos, or even in-store, via displays, workshops and even exclusive events.

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These simple but effective marketing strategies are ideal for retail businesses that are looking for new ways to engage with customers and boost their overall sales volume.

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