Five Things That your Business Website Should Have

Your business website is an important part of your business, and getting a professional like this web design Essex based company to design it for you is important if you want to make sure that your site is the best asset to your business that it can be.

There are things that a website needs in order to make a good impression on people – here are five important things that you will find on a good website…

Call to Action – This is a banner at the bottom and top of a page that encourages people to contact you to find out more about whatever is on the page.

Ease of Use – People want to be able to use a website easily – make sure that you have a clear site navigation system as well as a site that doesn’t run slowly.

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SEO – In order for people to find you online, SEO, or search engine optimisation is a crucial part of your online marketing, and your website plays an important role in making sure that your SEO is working.

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Good Branding – Your brand tells people about your company and who you are as well as giving a more professional look to the business, which helps to build trust.

Quality Content – With content, you need to make sure that it is relevant, engaging and not too long, getting the information across concisely, so you avoid large pages full of text as this can put people off.

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