How to Get your Website Right When Starting a New Company

Setting up your own company comes with many worries, but it is also very exciting. You will want to do well and reach as many people as possible, and in todays modern world the internet is probably the best tool that you have of doing this. This is why it is so crucial to get it right when it comes to creating a website that attracts customers. No matter how great your product is, a poorly designed website will put people off, and getting your design and branding right is one of the best ways to generate sales. A marketing strategy consultant such as can help you with this. Here are some of the main things to consider when designing the website that is right for your business and most importantly, your customers…

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Make your brand Memorable – The most successful brands are the ones that stick in people’s heads. Making your brand memorable is all about being consistent. Use the same graphics, logos and fonts across all of your pages, and you will help to create a strong and memorable brand.

Connect with Colour – Do your research into how colours can generate sales – the ones to choose and the ones to avoid. It will differ according to what you are selling and who your target audience are, but this is an important part to get right.

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Have a Strong Logo – This goes hand in hand with being memorable, but a strong well-designed logo is essential, as is displaying it prominently throughout your site.

Audience Engagement – A blog, and a customer services page is important as you want your audience to connect with you and your brand, and it helps to provide more information and inject a little bit of personality in there to help you stand out from the crowd.

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