How to make the most of Google+ for your business

When a company faces in the sea magnum of social networks may think it is necessary to be present in most social platforms, but especially in the early stage may prove useful to focus their energies on one channel. Google Plus is a viable intermediate solution among the most famous Facebook and Twitterfor those companies wishing to start a social campaign. This is the social platform of the largest and most popular search engine in the world and boasts more than 300 million active users.

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Why use Google Plus?

As previously mentioned Google Plus is a viable middle solution between the two giants of the social world. What are the characteristics that he inherited from them? The sharing of content is very similar to that of Facebook: the company of Big G makes it possible to publish videos, images, links and text elements, without the limit of 140 characters. Contact management is rather similar to that of Twitter: do not form friendships, but each user can decide who follow no obligation to reciprocate. The similarities make Google + an excellent platform to be attached to one (or both) of the main social use. Today we want to show you how to make the most of Google Plus to promote your business. Let’s start!

1. A winning profile

As in any social network the profile page is a crucial element for the promotion of its activities, it should therefore be completed carefully. The virtual business card should first give a brief description with the principal of commercial information as the core business and values, to allow users to get a general idea of our company. By filling out the profile, you should then keep in mind that Big G offers a wide range of services integrated with each other and the information that we provide will be used by Google to be present in the results displayed to users during a search. It may therefore prove useful to include the company’s address: This geographical location will be made available for Google Maps and will be within the head office of more easily. Last thing to remember when filling out the profile page is the inclusion of a link to other social networks and the web page of business, so users can get to with a simple click of a space with information much more comprehensive. Keep reading

2. Distinguishing features: circles and hangouts

If you were to compile a Google Plus identity card, in particular signs would insert undoubtedly circles and hangouts: the two peculiarities of this company.

Circles are real community: users who share interests and passions come together and compare ideas, suggestions and opinions. They are divided into different categories according to the topics covered and can be private or public. For a business that is always advisable to maintain public access, in order to allow a greater number of users to get in touch with their business. For the same reason, a company must create as many circles as possible, trying to diversify themes: so as to interact with a more diverse audience.

The hangouts are a treat for the companies that decide to use Google Plus to promote it: in fact allow you to organize video calls and video conferences with multiple users simultaneously. What can serve? They could be really useful to keep in touch with co-workers out of the office or to present a single product or an entire line to more customers or dealers simultaneously, allowing you to share with participants the documents, photos and videos.

3. Quality content

Google Plus was born from the beginning (2011) as a virtual space for sharing rich content of any kind: text elements, shared content directly from the web site, videos or images. In this regard it is worth remembering that the possibilities in visual field offers are truly many. It is possible to see the details of a photograph through the zoom function, receive all the details of shooting and add special effects to make each image a truly unique and exclusive. To provide level user experience, Google + functions have also been integrated with Picasa Web Albums. Do not forget that Google indexes the images published on the company well on Google Images, therefore they should be eye-catching and high-quality, to provide users with added value.

Speaking of content is important to emphasize that it is essential to maintain a constant presence on social. In this task, there are tools that can help in the publication (also timed) of elements on different platforms. Hootsuite is the most famous half Professional that allows you to work quickly and keep more simultaneously social control; this is possible thanks to panels control designed specifically.

These are the main aspects that you can use to promote yourself through Google Plus. You just have to begin using it to find out what other benefits reserve.

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