Okay, that ‘s it. It’s over. Microsoft already has stopped offering free licenses of Windows 10. With everything we have been insisting the Redmond, the controversies that have had to upgrade some computers without permission, and with everything we have also insisted us, there are few excuses for not having your copy.
But it may be the case that you did not have original licenses of Windows 7 or 8to take advantage of the offer. What now then? Well, you have to go through box, now we can tell you the price, although there is also a last resort to it for free in return for cooperating in their development.

Wait, you still can have Windows 10 free?
Technically not, at least not officially or with the full version and stable enjoyed by users of payment. But there is a small alternative: to subscribe to the beta testing program of Microsoft, the Windows Insider Program. With it, you will become free in a beta tester that will test pre-release versions of Windows 10 and its updates.
If you have installed Windows 10 downloading your ISO and have not purchased a product key to activate it , you can start receiving compilations Insider Preview enabling the option in the advanced options in the menu Update and Security Options Windows 10. Once done you will have to choose the type of ring and a few minutes (or hours) after begin to receive them.
Whether you want to do this step, as if you have Windows 10, before you can get off the Insider builds you will have to enter the web of Windows Insider and register with your Microsoft account. Having done that, if you do not have Windows 10, you’ll go to a page from which to download the installer betas.
The deal here is as follows. You can have Windows 10 free, but instead will have to settle it through beta versions. This means that will be unstable and buggy versions, you can send feedback with you detect failures and you have to respond from time to time some questions that you launch Microsoft on the version you are testing. Yes, at least you’ll be the first to test the new features.
What are the alternatives to buy?
The first option to have Windows 10 complete is get your hands on one retail license (or RTL). Are those purchases in stores or the Microsoft Store, where the price of the Home version is $119. But if you want the Pro version will have to spend the $199 it costs online on the official website of Microsoft.
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This type of RTL licenses allow you to install Windows on more than one computer. Its only restriction is that you cannot use your license key on more than one computer at a time, so there may be problems when activating Windows if you do it in several additional equipment.
On the other hand, you can also get your hands on an OEM license by buying a new computer, as are those that come pre-installed them. Its great difference to the RTL is that they are always linked to a single computer, so that once activated you cannot use it on any computer.
Then there are the Windows volume licenses or GVLK. These cannot be used by private users, since they are intended for small, medium and large enterprise. There are several types of them with different characteristics and limitations, and to get them you have access through a specific page created by Microsoft for companies.