Keeps getting more interesting to see how sales are going tablets and computers with that sort of convergence that occurs in convertible or touch devices like the Surface Studio, and seeing that computers no longer essential especially in the creative sector and gamer. This time we have data on the sale of the first by IDC, and what we see is that the low cost tablets are becoming increasingly hollow even if the market falls.
The report is specifically the third quarter of 2016, reflecting a decrease of 14.7% over the same period in the previous year. A trend that is drawn for months and watched the last February by the same firm, at which time the decline over the previous year was somewhat lower, about 10%.

Make way for Amazon
The figure reflects fewer sales from year to year, but still according to IDC distributions were 9.8% above the second quarter of 2016, at which time the descent over half of 2015 was 10%. But what stands out on this occasion rather than the negative figures is the change that has been on the podium of the biggest sellers.
Apple continues to lead, with 9.3 million tablets sold representing 21.5% of the market share in the third quarter, although compared to the same quarter last year 6.2% less were sold. But those who have grown this top 5 are Amazon , who have placed third ahead of Huawei and Lenovo after selling about twice as many units as the previous quarter, while the figure for the increase over the previous year is not reliable (319.9%) as IDC did not include 6 – inch tablets that data.
To this, according to the firm, may have helped the Amazon Prime Day, the day on which the company offers discounts on a wide range of products being pushed for Fire tablets. Thus, the strategy low-cost seems to do well, to be seen in the following balance if the release of the latest Fire HD 8 shows.
You may also like to read another article on iMindSoft: The worst fiscal year Apple iPhone sales fall for third consecutive quarter
We buy more than somewhat lower price tablets
At first we referred to convergence suffering product lines and other, as in the case of convertibles. And they refer to IDC to discuss greater demand for low cost tablets citing the manufacturer RCA. Nuance that has peaked for this sector, pointing to this format may be replacing computers when they renew. In fact we also saw that computer sales were down a few months ago.
So, as for the other manufacturers, Samsung holds the silver medal without apparently bad press because of what happened to the Note 7 will be affected brand level. In his case it has the latest release convertible TabPro Galaxy S earlier this year, and has sold 20% less than the third quarter of 2015, but 0.5% higher than the previous quarter.
Lenovo and Huawei remain among the manufacturers that sell even more down positions, as we said when talking about improving Amazon. In the first case one of the products you highlight of the year was the Yoga Book, but IDC does not include it as a tablet, but as PC, so you cannot see the reflection of their sales. According to the firm, despite having been pro behind Apple, Samsung and Amazon both brands have a strong presence in the tablet market in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.