Let’s stop preliminaries: the labor market needs more women. In the technology sector reports are bleak. Last April, in the framework of the International Day of Girls in ICT was confirmed: the technology sector employs only 18% of women. And, what it is more important, a large percentage of high school graduates opt for science and mathematics, but in college, 75% of students abandon technology careers. A screen, a barrier that comes from childhood, when it is suggested, “these are not women’s branches.”
Fortunately, things are changing. And for the good of all parity in wages, hours and jobs will save a fortune on the World Bank and accelerate global economic recovery. When we talk about creativity, lateral thinking, innovation, we must look to the work of thousands of women.
The future is built today
ASUS is one of the key companies that are struggling to incorporate women working in the technology sector. Through the platform #MakeWhatsNext are developing a space to encourage girls from primary, to approach technological and scientific studies. The goal is common: to avoid that in the future we meet many positions needed unoccupied. According to the study, by 2020 there will be 825,000 job vacancies related to information technology and telecommunications. 2 million in all fields of technology.

“Facilitating technology training to young people in the early school stages help spark their interest in science and technology, develop their curiosity about this field and encourage them to pursue careers STEM [acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ]” in that event said Pilar Lopez, president of Microsoft Ibérica.
So, we must look back to see how we improved and what we are regressing. In the 80 women, they represented 37% of the degrees in computer science in the US. UU; popular culture always gave them a role secondary. Today that percentage has been reduced to just over 20%. On the other hand, we would have fields such as architecture: almost 41% of graduates in architecture in 2013 from 25% in 198518% of designers premier awards in 2010, compared with 3% in the 80’s.
A matter of faith
Most relevant data: the creative advertising industry, 59% of students are women. But only 3% will be creative director. They remain in intermediate positions as they climb to the top positions. Why? The consultancy Accenture has recently published a report very complete from which we can draw some conclusions: at some point in their training, more specifically in the passage from high school to college, give up . But they do not give up because they cannot achieve their goals, but not be supported or influenced positively.
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), organizer of Girls in ITC Day, says, “even if the girls use computers and the Internet as much as boys, the likelihood that those consider a career related to technology is 5 times less”. Fionnuala Meehan, Director SMB Sales, Google, says about “stereotypes stem from misperceptions and we can address these directly to ensure that all students experience subjects such as computer science in school.”
This is one of the main problems to fight. Because the lack of security and confidence is only a reflection of a general partnership does not believe in them. A mirror effect in which women are never guilty, only victims of hasty prejudices.
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A more women, better results
Brands have understood that women, either organizational skills, labor management, simple and equal opportunities are essential to look to the future element. ASUS has different profiles of prominent women in your company, occupying posts great importance and responsibility, as Vita Wang, Senior Manager in Industrial design, Miranda Lin (Lead User Experience designer), first position in the organization department of the design team and awarded for its contribution to the smartphone Zenfone 2.
We could go with Josie Yang, technological and responsible in the department of innovation, Katherine Lee, a researcher at Design or Michelle Hsiao (Lead Brand & Visual Communication) consultant. In times where the war for talent marks the success of a company, these codenames are just a small sample of the many women that enhance and promote daily the best products of ASUS.
Just look in the honors precisely the departmental design: in the iF Product Design Awards, for all its editions, ASUS has won a total of 142 awards for products like Transformer Book Chi, ZenFone 2 ZenWatch, ZenBook UX305, Chromebook C, Republic of Gamers (ROG) GX500, ROG G20 ROG Swift PG278Q, MX27A and ASUS ASUS Smart Home System. In the last seven years, beginning from 2010 with 6 awards, 4 and 2 in engineering- design, Asus has accumulated 64 CES Innovation Awards in total.
Charge less, pay more
As you can see from the chart, unemployment in the labor participation rate affects women more severely than men.
Let’s add this to issues such as the rate rose, which according to research conducted by the British tabloid The Times is charged on average a 37% surcharge on the same products for men. And let’s not forget the Tampax tax, a tax that penalizes as natural as menstruation, and has recently been repealed in the State of New York. A problematic confirmed by this study of EDUSO.
And they do not charge more to alleviate this is inflation. According to this report by UGT, a woman should work almost 3 months to collect the same as a man, a pay gap of 24%. On the contrary, according to the ILO (International Labour Organisation), which puts this percentage at 17%, it estimates that by training and experience women should, just the opposite; charge a 2% more than men.
Events and movements
Whether in the form of workshops or events like last Microsoft Pink Cloud, focused on promoting the interest of young people in scientific and technological studies, and in which ASUS participates and actively supports the technology industry moves to avoid losing talent and interest of female students. With four editions to their backs, ‘Pink Cloud’ is one of the most important movements in the sector. Last year brought together 1,500 young Italian and other territories to expand their technical and scientific knowledge.
In addition, the stage we come from has not been exactly comfortable. Incidentally laboratories mixed research, also last year, the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2001 Tim Hunt understood, at age 72, his statements “fall in love with them and cry when criticism” were, to say the least, unfortunate. A path, which has already overcome the fear.
This irrational fear felt by past generations with the birth of the first motor vehicle or face daily technological progress in Artificial Intelligence, for example. And, as is obvious, without them there is not progress, or technology.